Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Projector Lightbulb Lifetime


Una volta i nonni raccontavano ai bambini, per far sì che questi non si avvicinassero al fiume, che lì abitava il PUMARMANDL. Così incomincia la storia. I nonni ci raccontano che un giorno, quando il fiume era in piena, a child fell from the railing of the bridge and, since the child no longer came out alive, the people, found drowned, said that the accident had happened because of "Pumarmandl. The great-grandparents recommended mothers to get too close to water, because the "Pumarmandl" the dragged in with him. Now moms recommend children not to go near the river, especially when there is high water, because the "Pumarmandl" is always lurking. Since that time the children are forbidden to approach the river, especially when it is full.

Tratto da "Realtà e Fantasia"


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