Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Can I Still Be Pregnant If Cervix Is Low And Hard

San Osvaldo

Tanti anni fa gli abitanti di Cleulis dovevano costruire il tetto della chiesa. The men of the parish of Bandit Cleulis go into the forest to cut the tree trunk that would have been the biggest support beam of the roof. cutting the plants and cleaned up the branches, they could not carry it downstream and decided that they would come back up the next morning el'avrebbero dragged along the river downstream of Jerba Sgolvais or bad. The next day, early, waited for the nonzolo Paul Bellina, agreed at the point for quite a while, 'but nobody came. After a while 'on the path he saw a small man and small paffuttello that beckoned him to pull down the trunk, but the nonzolo said, "we can do it in two." The nonzolo, since it was a bit 'cold, went to fetch his jacket he had left a little further. When he returned to the place he saw neither the man nor the trunk, ran along the river hoping to intrevedere someone.
arrived in the valley, in places Aip, saw no one, then asked the owner of the mill if he saw someone, she replied: "Yes, San Osvaldo dragging a trunk." The nonzolo went to the church, he saw the trunk already lì e vide anche che sul tronco non c’erano i segni del “sapin”. Da allora si dice che, a trascinare il tronco a valle, sia stato San Osvaldo, perchè era vestito in modo identico alla statua del santo, custodita in chiesa.

Tratto da "Realtà e Fantasia"

Projector Lightbulb Lifetime


Una volta i nonni raccontavano ai bambini, per far sì che questi non si avvicinassero al fiume, che lì abitava il PUMARMANDL. Così incomincia la storia. I nonni ci raccontano che un giorno, quando il fiume era in piena, a child fell from the railing of the bridge and, since the child no longer came out alive, the people, found drowned, said that the accident had happened because of "Pumarmandl. The great-grandparents recommended mothers to get too close to water, because the "Pumarmandl" the dragged in with him. Now moms recommend children not to go near the river, especially when there is high water, because the "Pumarmandl" is always lurking. Since that time the children are forbidden to approach the river, especially when it is full.

Tratto da "Realtà e Fantasia"

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The Devil Fontanone

Lungo la strada verso il Passo di Monte Croce Carnico, superato l'abitato di Timau, a destra, c'è il Fontanone , sorgente d'acqua che sgorga zampillante dalla base dal massiccio del Pizzo Camoscio e, al centro, un sasso con scritto TIMAVO CARNICO.

Si narra che, nei tempi lontani, nel Fontanone
vivesse un diavolo, certa gente diceva un drago, che era molto cattivo e non voleva che gli abitanti portassero le mucche ad abbeverarsi a quella fonte. Un giorno, questo malefico drago decise di avvelenare le acque del Fontanone. I pastori del luogo portarono, come sempre, a dissetare le mucche, perchè non sapevano che il diavolo voleva eliminare le bestie che si abbeveravano; così le mucche si ammalavano e, dopo alcune ore, morivano tra atroci sofferenze. I pastori andarono in paese ad avvisare i proprietari delle mucche, di non andare ad abbeverare le bestie perchè il Fontanone era stato avvelenato. Così i pastori non sapevano
cosa dare da bere alle bestie.

Un giorno passarono per Timau, San Ermacora e San Fortunato che stavano andando in Germania; vennero a sapere che c'era un diavolo che aveva avvelenato le acque. Benedirono il Fontanone e il diavolo sparì, facendo un rumore assordante, emanando bagliori e lasciando dietro di sè un fetore nauseabondo di zolfo. Il giorno dopo San Ermacora e San Fortunato dissero agli abitanti di bere l'acqua, ma loro non vollero, credendo che fosse ancora avvelenata. Prima bevve l'acqua San Fortunato e non morì, allora tutti la bevvero e ringraziarono San Ermacora e San Fortunato. The devil could no longer poison the water, because had disappeared thanks to the intervention of two saints.

Adapted from "Reality and Fantasy"

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Little Einstein Embroidery

Silverio the damn

This is the legend of Silverio, a man really existed. Silverio was a native of Questas , a small village between Cercivento and Zovello; family there were two brothers who, in summer, Monticiano the two huts: by the Plan and Masaradas bordering the territory of the family Brunetti. The Silver of the legend, master of the Plan by the was a cheat and shift the boundaries to broaden its possessions, because he wanted to seize a piece of land that Mr. Brunetti, from the river or Rivat Moscardo, came up to Chiaula Malis. One day Mr. Brunetti saw its vast land on the cards, in fact, was retreating and the measurements could not be reconciled, then became suspicious and called Silverio in court. On the appointed day Silverio's wife told her husband: "Put the boots in the garden soil and you swear to step on your land." So he did.
arrived in court, Silverio swore falsely saying: "I step on my land!" After a while, Silverio died. Sounded the death knell and a lady asked, "Who died?". A man answered: "He died Silverio." The lady continued: "Why, I saw him earlier that he was going with the mallet from parts of the Moscardo. The Lord replied: "It is not possible!". Since that time, when the full, Mount Moscardo fall off boulders and huge quantities of debris and then says, "'Silver flying!".
When Silverio sees the fairies of Tenchi leaves to work for a moment, wearing a green hat and a long red cape to make himself look good, but even if you do not come to him, is equally happy, only review.

Adapted from "Reality and Fantasy"

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The Fischiosauro

In villages and Timau Cleulis, many legends are told, including that of FISCHIOSAURO, set some forty years ago in Marsh Leitn . The
Fischiosauro is described like a prehistoric animal, some people say it was a small dinosaur, someone else's monster Lockness in miniature. One spring evening, just at the beginning of May, we heard a strange whistling sound that no one knew who it was issued, some said that near the state Casali Sega had appeared a monster. Several people say having seen it, but its existence has no evidence. Some argue that it was a joke of some young pranksters. The countries and Timau Cleulis filled with coaches who were curious to hear the verses that issued the "Fischiosauro.
A Sunday newspaper Corriere wrote an article about this imaginary creature by saying that he had plunged into the swamp Paka emerging with a big snake around her neck. To commemorate this event drew a great big Paka winged snake.

The Gazzettino in mind with such a photograph of the photographer Paluzza, Tassotti, depicting Paka as he left the water with the monster around the neck after it had bitten and immediately was transported by rescue workers from the doctor. Every night
Casali Sega was crowded with curious about foreigners, then, suddenly, the Fischiosauro not heard anything and, in memory of this history, it remains the restaurant "by Mot, now closed, which is named THE RESTAURANT FISCHIOSAURO.

taken from the book "Reality and Fantasy"

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Central Noiariis

The hydroelectric plant Noiariis geodetic uses the jump between the discharge of the hydropower plant Museis and resort Noiariis. The plant and the towns of Cercivento Sutrio. It is designed to use the exhaust flow from the hydroelectric power Museis: the waters are collected from the outlet of this plant and, after having returned a part of the stream, they are placed in the tub and then load in the penstock.

the power plant are installed two turbine-generator groups of different sizes with a total power of 2450 kW . The new hydroelectric Noiariis is provided with fully automatic operation. The generation units are started and schemes according to a criterion di precedenza programmabile sulla base delle portate derivabili ed in conformità alle segnalazioni fornite dal misuratore di livello in vasca di carico. La producibilità annua ottenibile dall'impianto idroelettrico di Noiariis può raggiungere i 9.800.000 kWh .

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Shock2 By Terkoiz Song In Crdits

Palio das cjarogiules 2007

Lo stand situato nella piazza principale di Paluzza

Impariamo a riconoscere gli alberi presenti nella valle del B û t.

A collage made by a girl with some parts plants.

The anatomy of plants: how many years will have had this tree?

grain size and permeability: Who will be faster to fill the container with water?

Print Factory Northampton

River But seen by participants