Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Why Do You Use The Internet


Imagine the old hall of a university department, a classroom but a bit 'special ... a large room with tables with gray marble board rialzato; alle pareti scaffali in legno con ante in vetro chiusi a chiave, armadi, attaccapanni, lavagne.
In realtà è un'aula speciale: ci si pratica(va?)no le dissezioni.
Sugli scaffali con le ante in vetro si vede ogni genere di organo o pezzo di corpo umano, all'occorrenza credo mummificato a dovere.
A noi studenti del XXI secolo non è concesso praticare dissezioni, ma i nostri professori hanno imparato qui.

Questa aula la usiamo per le esercitazioni di anatomia; ci lasciano qualche osso (vero) sui tavoli e noi ci giochiamo, li guardiamo e studiamo, ce li imprimiamo nella mente.
Ero ad una di queste esercitazioni; a tempo scaduto eravamo rimasti in pochi, e un gruppetto di sole donne temerarie (Including me) to encircle the prof and his laptop. Someone asks what kind of material can be found on the Internet, prof says "everything" and to demonstrate, as a movie, it pulls all its various videos of dissections.


Not so much disgust: the impression is relative, for those not afraid of blood, bone, fat.
But at the moral and human is devastating.
see a body, a few days before was still a living person with a life and history, reduced to a mere heap of flesh, no dignity.
find yourself making these thoughts ... yes man - no man ... yes dignity - no dignity.

children, is tough, and quite a lot. This right is tough, because he wants to get you to the study of microscopic and in the meantime is likely to get away from the big picture.
I'll have to go through the dissection through the bodies of dead and lifeless, sooner or later.
But I promise to never lose the overview. The complexity as something more than the sum of its parts.
The feeling of humanity.


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