San Osvaldo
Tanti anni fa gli abitanti di Cleulis dovevano costruire il tetto della chiesa. The men of the parish of Bandit Cleulis go into the forest to cut the tree trunk that would have been the biggest support beam of the roof. cutting the plants and cleaned up the branches, they could not carry it downstream and decided that they would come back up the next morning el'avrebbero dragged along the river downstream of Jerba Sgolvais or bad. The next day, early, waited for the nonzolo Paul Bellina, agreed at the point for quite a while, 'but nobody came. After a while 'on the path he saw a small man and small paffuttello that beckoned him to pull down the trunk, but the nonzolo said, "we can do it in two." The nonzolo, since it was a bit 'cold, went to fetch his jacket he had left a little further. When he returned to the place he saw neither the man nor the trunk, ran along the river hoping to intrevedere someone.
arrived in the valley, in places Aip, saw no one, then asked the owner of the mill if he saw someone, she replied: "Yes, San Osvaldo dragging a trunk." The nonzolo went to the church, he saw the trunk already lì e vide anche che sul tronco non c’erano i segni del “sapin”. Da allora si dice che, a trascinare il tronco a valle, sia stato San Osvaldo, perchè era vestito in modo identico alla statua del santo, custodita in chiesa.
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