Even bloggers are vain, at least I am, a pao of years now I have begun to do something that previously did not: put the nail polish.
Well, actually even before I put it ... just put a clear or only what I did in the summer (tanned feet are beautiful with nail polish) ... However now I really like the glazed fingernails with dark colors and powerfully alive.
Where is the problem? you say ...
Well, the problem is that EVERY TIME I put SANTA enamel with patience and firmness surgical anything happens! the phone rings and you plasters, you have to travel back to the laundry hanging because it starts to rain and you plasters, you forgot to make the beds and surprise guests are coming and you plasters ...
So I'm trying to weigh up well to choose the moment of absolute peace to devote to my moment of vanity, for example, I once used tests Ethnovoice, another a quiet after dinner with friends (as evidenced by photos of nigthowl, wonderful as always) but I can not always say no the imp of evil plasters I am going to devote myself for a little bit.
Last night, for example, returned home after the feast of the Baptism of the beautiful child of dear friends, I find the children calm on the couch to watch a good Disney cartoon with friends and boyfriends and I say, "here, this is the 'moment to catch! "
I did not cook dinner because they had booked the pizza, I should not iron, do not I stretch out, in short, was the perfect time and I am immediately put to work: all right, everything was perfect, smudge, scratch, morale through the roof!
But no, imagine, just the boy intercoms pizzeria is just the imponderable!
The maiden and her maidens had put the glasses on the floor full of orange, son halves at a time of rapid intercom and .... succeeded by the obviously irreparable! calcium to orange juice and glasses galore ... and I incredulos with their hands in typical pose of someone waiting for polish to dry ...
But this time I decided to pretend to be transparent and I stayed in my beautiful posture, they thought their orange! eccheccavolo!
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