Monday, February 14, 2011

Ideas On How To Decorate Beech Coffee Table

stunt double ... cat

now has been confirmed, my car has a strange relationship with the cats or the cats have a better insane passion for my car.

Some time ago a kitten was stuck in the engine and came out alive and well on our end hearing that he heard the meow ... and every day I always find one or two cats bask in the sun on the roof ...

Well, I love cats and I'm glad to find them, some do not like just as many footprints on the windshield that I remove the view but overall I like them around.

A couple of days ago I had to go get her young son to the rugby field but high and I found the usual black cat on the roof, when I arrived the cat looked at me with ostentatious boredom seemed to want me to criticize the intrusion. .. then it was "very slowly" transferred from the roof near the wall and I am playing fast.

reaching turn at the roundabout and I hear a noise as if a meteorite had fallen on the roof of the car ... look in the mirror and see a black cat jumping out of the car in the race!!

crazy stuff ... I had the stuntcat and did not know! the cat was unharmed and quickly defiladed but I'm worried, will manage to find their way home? or vague disconsolate looking the other kittens?

If you pass in the area, for who knows what area I mean, look around and let me know.


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