(As a brief explanation of what the social bookmarking not yet been provided, shall I!)
The is a social bookmarking web service that allows users to neatly store all the sites that interest them and to trace them if necessary with a simple click. Sites that offer this service such as del.icio.us , BookMark.it .
Almost everyone has a great site to find and record their address in their favorites: behold, the social bookmarking has a similar function.
should be added that allows:
- the inventory of sites saved in sub-categories, with some tags (tags, keywords) that you choose to save the site.
In practice when I find a site that I care to remember, matching some keywords of my choice, so it's easier for the rediscovery and attribution to a specific topic, when I need it, I can find is the list of sites saved in both sub-categories that myself I created ... saving you time!
- sharing their tags with all network users. This is the reason for the name of this service, "social" refers to the fact that everyone can benefit from the categories created by others to facilitate their navigation on the Internet!
191 words, not counting the little comment in brackets
- http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_bookmarking
- http://dotsub .com / films / watch / index.php? filmid = 1216 & language = en
- A Delicious Way to personalize the Web, Robin Good, january 2004 ( http://www.masternewmedia.org/2004/01/05/a_delicious_way_to_personalize.htm )
- http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_bookmarking
- http://dotsub .com / films / watch / index.php? filmid = 1216 & language = en
- A Delicious Way to personalize the Web, Robin Good, january 2004 ( http://www.masternewmedia.org/2004/01/05/a_delicious_way_to_personalize.htm )
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