There is already a technique to perform a breast with the right lubricant, called lipofilling, today we talk about a technique more 'evolved, but shall act and shall be made in a similar way, lipostructure .
This technique has been invented in 1995 by a U.S. plastic surgeon, Sydney R. Coleman. The doctor who works in Tribeca, New York City, he realized that the fat taken from some areas of the body where it is present in excess, could be used to fill other, such as the breast, where it was needed. An autologous fat transfer. Without the use of a breast prosthesis to be implanted without foreign material represented by silicone implants, only fat that was put back in the same patient's body .
The procedure of "fat grafting" in Italian, fat grafting or fat transfer "works just as well: fat is taken for example by ' addome o dai glutei della paziente come se si dovesse effettuare una liposuzione, viene successivamente purificato da edemi, centrifugato e poi reimmesso tramite piccole cannule sul seno .
L'effetto che avremo รจ un aumento naturale del seno senza ausilio delle protesi.
I vantaggi di una mastoplastica autologa fatta con la lipostruttura sono:
-incisioni chirurgiche minime, non servono grossi tagli per inserire le protesi, ma minime fessure per le cannule
-non presenza di corpi estranei come protesi saline o di silicone
-seno al tatto piu' naturale rispetto a quello "rifatto" tramite mastoplastica classical additive
the shape of the breast can 'be engraved as you wish it
-avoids the typical capsular contracture of the prosthesis
The duration of' operation lipostructure is longer compared to 'other, about 5 or 6 hours because it is a dual action. The first part will work on liposuction, the second on 'inclusion of fat in the breast. Obviously there are contraindications, it is always a 'surgery: infections, bruising, lumps, etc. ...
Lipostructure is considered a Definitiv or intervention, or the volume increase the size of your breasts you want to suit your life, but a quantity of the implanted fat can be reabsorbed by your body over time.
lipostructure The prices of the breast is no more 'expensive than a breast augmentation with implants, ranging up 12-15 thousand € . Calculated that this is a double action, it acts on the sides to carve, the liposuction prices usually fluctuate about 3000 € and then enlarges the breast.
One last point: some women can not make lipostructure if they are not good or donor if you do not have excess fat in their bodies to be taken.