try to add information about breast augmentation: it consists of an intervention aimed at increasing the size and volume of the breasts, in order to arrive within an attractive and symmetrical.
The woman with small breasts often feels inferior and "less woman." It follows that in recent years thanks to the refinement of surgical techniques and prosthetic materials to the improvement of breast augmentation is a cosmetic surgery of the breast most frequently requested.
In order to increase the breast volume was reached with the use of silicone implants, through various methods currently no longer used as the transplantation of adipose tissue or infiltration of injectables. Today's implants have an outer multilayered silicone gel-filled silicone ever, and appear similar to the texture and weight of the mammary gland. Feature of these prostheses, as all the silicone implants in general, is to non aumentare l'incidenza di tumore mammario. Valutazione preoperatoria:la paziente ideale per una mastoplastica additiva è quella autonomamente motivata dal desiderio di ottenere un seno più voluminoso e di modificare quindi il proprio aspetto. La donna che ha subito una riduzione di sviluppo delle mammelle dopo la gravidanza è una candidata idonea alla mastoplastica additiva. Anche una drastica caduta del peso corporeo può determinare una diminuzione della componente adiposa del seno e invogliare la paziente a un ripristino dei volumi originari. Il mantenimento del volume mammario dipende infatti sia dalla componente ghiandolare, funzionale, soggetta agli stimoli ormonali, sia da quella adiposa, funzionalmente inerte.
Just be aware that often these two groups of patients, the decrease in mass is associated with breast ptosis (sag) of the breast. In this case, with a nipple-areola complex below the inframammary fold, the insertion of a prosthesis will only accentuate the ptosis has led to an ugly outcome of even more unpleasant situation.
A second group of patients who avail themselves of breast augmentation are the young women who have a micromastia (modest breast development) and mono-and bilaterally. A breast augmentation will give them a more proportionate and definitive.
Regarding the volume for which to strive, in linea di massima il chirurgo si adegua, nei limiti del possibile, alle esigenze della paziente. L'esperienza dell'operatore è però di notevole aiuto, poiché può dare utili indicazioni su come si possa raggiungere un risultato equilibrato e armonico. Infatti nel caso di soggetti obesi, dopo una mastoplastica additiva si possono avere risultati meno brillanti che in una donna di proporzioni normali. Questo perché lo spessore del tessuto mammario determinerà una minore proiezione della mammella e ne conseguirà che la correzione dovrà tendere all'abbondanza per poter ottenere un risultato soddisfacente.
Possibili complicazioni. Innanzitutto consideriamo la tendenza del seno ad assumere in un 15% di some cases a static aspect and an increase in its consistency to the touch. This is determined by the creation of an envelope of fibrous tissue around the implant (capsule), which condense, compress the prosthesis, producing an increase in intramammary pressure. The appearance will be that of a breast less mobile and harder.
Another side effect is that secondary intervention in a small percentage of patients may occur at the level of the nipple a reduced reactivity to stimuli tactical. It follows that the party considers it important to this sense of sexual satisfaction should carefully consider the opportunity to undergo surgery.
Surgical Technique: The procedure is usually performed under general anesthesia although it is sometimes possible simply locoregional anesthesia. This depends mainly on the desire of the patient, the habits of the surgeon and the volume that you want to achieve.
The surgical access, the area where the tissues are incised, and this variable as it can be located or in the inframammary or periareolar or at armpit level. In any case, the incision is small and the resulting scar will be barely noticeable. The positioning of the prosthesis can be done either directly in contact with the glandular tissue and breast (thus in a position surface) or under the pectoral muscle, that is, to a deeper level. This second location is usually preferred as the incidence of retraction of the fibrous capsule in this case is very low. On the other hand prosthesis subglandular give you a better projection and therefore a more attractive.
postoperative period. Important information that is given to the patient is to perform after a few days after the breast massage. This must be for a period of several minutes several times a day and aims to move the prosthesis inside the pocket created surgically in order to prevent the formation of capsule. The sport can be safely resumed after about a month.
The woman with small breasts often feels inferior and "less woman." It follows that in recent years thanks to the refinement of surgical techniques and prosthetic materials to the improvement of breast augmentation is a cosmetic surgery of the breast most frequently requested.
In order to increase the breast volume was reached with the use of silicone implants, through various methods currently no longer used as the transplantation of adipose tissue or infiltration of injectables. Today's implants have an outer multilayered silicone gel-filled silicone ever, and appear similar to the texture and weight of the mammary gland. Feature of these prostheses, as all the silicone implants in general, is to non aumentare l'incidenza di tumore mammario. Valutazione preoperatoria:la paziente ideale per una mastoplastica additiva è quella autonomamente motivata dal desiderio di ottenere un seno più voluminoso e di modificare quindi il proprio aspetto. La donna che ha subito una riduzione di sviluppo delle mammelle dopo la gravidanza è una candidata idonea alla mastoplastica additiva. Anche una drastica caduta del peso corporeo può determinare una diminuzione della componente adiposa del seno e invogliare la paziente a un ripristino dei volumi originari. Il mantenimento del volume mammario dipende infatti sia dalla componente ghiandolare, funzionale, soggetta agli stimoli ormonali, sia da quella adiposa, funzionalmente inerte.
Just be aware that often these two groups of patients, the decrease in mass is associated with breast ptosis (sag) of the breast. In this case, with a nipple-areola complex below the inframammary fold, the insertion of a prosthesis will only accentuate the ptosis has led to an ugly outcome of even more unpleasant situation.
A second group of patients who avail themselves of breast augmentation are the young women who have a micromastia (modest breast development) and mono-and bilaterally. A breast augmentation will give them a more proportionate and definitive.
Regarding the volume for which to strive, in linea di massima il chirurgo si adegua, nei limiti del possibile, alle esigenze della paziente. L'esperienza dell'operatore è però di notevole aiuto, poiché può dare utili indicazioni su come si possa raggiungere un risultato equilibrato e armonico. Infatti nel caso di soggetti obesi, dopo una mastoplastica additiva si possono avere risultati meno brillanti che in una donna di proporzioni normali. Questo perché lo spessore del tessuto mammario determinerà una minore proiezione della mammella e ne conseguirà che la correzione dovrà tendere all'abbondanza per poter ottenere un risultato soddisfacente.
Possibili complicazioni. Innanzitutto consideriamo la tendenza del seno ad assumere in un 15% di some cases a static aspect and an increase in its consistency to the touch. This is determined by the creation of an envelope of fibrous tissue around the implant (capsule), which condense, compress the prosthesis, producing an increase in intramammary pressure. The appearance will be that of a breast less mobile and harder.
Another side effect is that secondary intervention in a small percentage of patients may occur at the level of the nipple a reduced reactivity to stimuli tactical. It follows that the party considers it important to this sense of sexual satisfaction should carefully consider the opportunity to undergo surgery.
Surgical Technique: The procedure is usually performed under general anesthesia although it is sometimes possible simply locoregional anesthesia. This depends mainly on the desire of the patient, the habits of the surgeon and the volume that you want to achieve.
The surgical access, the area where the tissues are incised, and this variable as it can be located or in the inframammary or periareolar or at armpit level. In any case, the incision is small and the resulting scar will be barely noticeable. The positioning of the prosthesis can be done either directly in contact with the glandular tissue and breast (thus in a position surface) or under the pectoral muscle, that is, to a deeper level. This second location is usually preferred as the incidence of retraction of the fibrous capsule in this case is very low. On the other hand prosthesis subglandular give you a better projection and therefore a more attractive.
postoperative period. Important information that is given to the patient is to perform after a few days after the breast massage. This must be for a period of several minutes several times a day and aims to move the prosthesis inside the pocket created surgically in order to prevent the formation of capsule. The sport can be safely resumed after about a month.