The breast augmentation is more 'commonly known as that' operation that allows women to get breast enlargement. There is talk of additive because its "add" as we refer to the breast reduction when our need is to reduce the size of the breast. The Italian national health service "switch" operation to increase breast reconstruction only if it is due to removal of the breast, or the breast augmentation is seen as an aesthetic and therefore you should contact the private sector. The costs in Italy for a breast augmentation will lie between 5 thousand to 10 thousand Euros, depending on the operating surgeon, we choose to implant the prosthesis, silicone or saline, or health facility. Must be 18 years to carry out the intervention to increase breast, otherwise you need permission from their parents. The operation is performed by inserting breast implants above or below (you decide the surgeon) the pectoral muscle. Incision will be made, the more 'of the time under the breasts or around the nipple, and from them' the chiururgo will be able to 'insert the prosthesis. The hospitalization lasts a few days and leaves no scars. Contraindications: implants after ten years can sag or warp, in which case you will need another surgery and of course all contraindications to surgery should be reminded that after careful analysis of the patient.