Prices for breast augmentation are certainly not cheap and therefore accessible to all, even in this case, the patients think about how to save. In the same way as when we are looking for the best price of a standard product for the breast we can arm ourselves with patience and try to check where the lowest bid. So we welcome phone calls and internet searches in the various studies of cosmetic surgery since the prices are far from homogeneous. The average cost for breast augmentation is about five thousand euro , you can tick a little bit less and can get some doctor to ask ten thousand euro. What does it depend? Several factors:
- experience and reputation of the plastic surgeon who will operate - the city served by the same surgeon (differences between northern and southern Italy, but especially among the various foreign countries)
- type of hearing that you are going to implant (silicone ones cost more than saline and no difference between brands). For the first
is easy to see that there is not much to discuss. Confidence and skill are priceless. Entrust the care of a specialist in your knowledge or fame will make you feel calm and ensure the success of the operation. The second point is debatable: the cost della vita al nord Italia è sicuramente più alto rispetto al sud. Questo si riflette anche nei costi della mastoplastica additiva. Quindi un'operazione di aumento del seno a Palermo probabilmente costerà mediamente meno di una a Milano o a Torino. Diverso il discorso se volete recarvi all' estero. I viaggi della salute non sono una novità; ricordate la storia degli italiani che andavano in Ungheria per rifarsi i denti? Bene, ora per risparmiare sulla mastoplastica additiva si va a Tunisi, oppure in Marocco oppure le italiane verso l' est europeo; paesi come Croazia, Lituania, Cecoslovacchia, Polonia e Ungheria presentano una buona esperienza e chirurghi eccellenti. I prezzi sono nettamente più bassi, almeno un 30-40% in meno rispetto a noi, including the journey for you and your companion. The issue with is "worth it?" In case of further problems you must go back that far and you go for the saving blessing. Who did it but it was fine and the centers are now equipped to speak our language, or a good trip .... good luck.
- experience and reputation of the plastic surgeon who will operate - the city served by the same surgeon (differences between northern and southern Italy, but especially among the various foreign countries)
- type of hearing that you are going to implant (silicone ones cost more than saline and no difference between brands). For the first
is easy to see that there is not much to discuss. Confidence and skill are priceless. Entrust the care of a specialist in your knowledge or fame will make you feel calm and ensure the success of the operation. The second point is debatable: the cost della vita al nord Italia è sicuramente più alto rispetto al sud. Questo si riflette anche nei costi della mastoplastica additiva. Quindi un'operazione di aumento del seno a Palermo probabilmente costerà mediamente meno di una a Milano o a Torino. Diverso il discorso se volete recarvi all' estero. I viaggi della salute non sono una novità; ricordate la storia degli italiani che andavano in Ungheria per rifarsi i denti? Bene, ora per risparmiare sulla mastoplastica additiva si va a Tunisi, oppure in Marocco oppure le italiane verso l' est europeo; paesi come Croazia, Lituania, Cecoslovacchia, Polonia e Ungheria presentano una buona esperienza e chirurghi eccellenti. I prezzi sono nettamente più bassi, almeno un 30-40% in meno rispetto a noi, including the journey for you and your companion. The issue with is "worth it?" In case of further problems you must go back that far and you go for the saving blessing. Who did it but it was fine and the centers are now equipped to speak our language, or a good trip .... good luck.